With venue doors around the world starting to re-open, here at DRIVE we are relishing the prospect of arranging actual, in-person events for our clients – and friends. So, while we dust off our clipboards and headsets over the coming weeks, we would like to share some of our key pointers (gained from more years of experience than we care to admit...)
In this, the first of ten blogs, we're looking at planning!
Plan! Plan! Plan!
STOP! Spend some serious time thinking about what the event needs to achieve.
Take a wedding, for example; it has an obvious intended outcome – the marriage itself – but such an occasion also presents an incredible opportunity for families to reunite, especially after the challenges of Covid-19.
You might even find that planning a wedding turns into the planning of a holiday for 100 people – and that will certainly take some doing!
Whatever the occasion, or the long-sought-after excuse to get together, it is vital at the outset to consider the needs of all those attending, be it a wedding, a conference, a project launch, a team building event or the celebration of a significant anniversary – for work or for pleasure.
Remember that it is impossible to please all of the people all of the time, so you need to find some common ground so that at the very least the ‘key players’ of the event (your marrying couple, your clients, your shareholders or your stakeholders) are all kept happy in some way. Theming an event, for example, can be a good way of grounding an event, and flexibility is always key. Think about the fussiest people – if you can work out a way for them to enjoy the event, then you’ve likely cracked it for the rest of your audience.
We have organised large corporate conferences, team building events, corporate parties, awards ceremonies and many more events of all shapes and sizes – and of course we have arranged our own weddings – we certainly wouldn’t have left those to chance!
Do you have an event coming up and no idea where to start?
Please get in touch and contact us here, we’d be delighted to help you!